Feb 022016

Blame what you want, Global Warming, Mother Nature or El Nino but there is no sense crying about the fact that our yearly ice pilgrimage to Lake Nipissing at the beginning of January had to be rescheduled due to poor ice conditions.

We have made a conscious decision to book the first or second week of the season every year with the belief that the fishing is best at that time. With that choice we take a chance on the weather and surprisingly this is only the second time in 19 years we have not been able to get on the ice and into our cabin as scheduled. The other choice we make, totally risk free, is to book with South Shore Ice Condos. Cara Lee, Garnet and their crew consistently find a way to take care of us. SSIC is always booked full but somehow they found a way to reschedule us for the end of February.

Getting a hut was supposed to be the tough part but wrangling the normal posse to make the new date has proven tougher. Some of the gang couldn’t arrange work or personal schedules and no doubt some couldn’t get permission from the boss at home to make the new date. One guy even used the lame excuse of buying a 46′ catamaran and moving to St. Martin to live on it – https://www.aravilla.ca/. They will be missed as we have gone down to a single cabin this year, instead of two, but we are still excited to be heading north this month for 4 days of debauchery and even a little fishing.

Tight Lines